
Natalia Baklanova Composer

Price: $5.05
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Ensemble violin arrangement by Larisa Zhurkova for Natalia Baklanova's "Mazurka".

Feedbacks and comments 2

Adaptation accuracy
Fingering convenience
Sheet music Quality

Nice arrangement! There are just two little mistakes in bar 56: violin 1 should play 'f' instead of 'fis' and the fingerings for violin 2 are not correct.

Спасибо, по поводу аппликатуры, то она пишется под конкретного исполнителя, тем более, если речь идёт о детском исполении. Главное,  чтобы  звучало  красиво.
Thank you for the fingering, it is written for a specific performer, especially when it comes to children's performance. The main thing is that it sounded beautiful.

Other arrangements from Larisa Zhurkova
Tambourine - Louis Aubert
Tremolo - Carl Bohm
Polka dots and Moonbeams - John Van Heusen